Tuesday, November 22, 2011

it is HERE!

Yes! The website is created. Visit: http://www.andreawhitneyphotography.com/

Also stay updated on Facebook AND Twitter!


Look forward to blogging with you soon!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

bean, bean. I am a green bean...

This morning as I was making my husband's french toast, Emery's banana pancakes (*from scratch) and cutting up Addison's banana, I couldn't help but laugh at Justin and Emery singing a song about Justin having to go to work. It all started when Emery asked, "You don't have to go to work today daddy?"

Justin: "No, I have to go to work today buddy."
Emery: "Why?"
Justin replies with the whole "to put a roof over your head, food on the table, etc."
Emery: "You don't have to go to work."
Here is when Justin comes back with the musical tune close to that of the "Anything you can do I can do better" but the words; "Yes, I have to go to work"
Emery: "No you don't have to go to work"

This repeats about 6 times until I get the food in front of them and then silence for about 2 minutes (the amount of time it takes them to clear their plates).

Tonight also ended in a musical tune and hot chocolate (from scratch as well) Emery has a list of songs he likes before bed. Sometimes he will think of a subject for me to come up with words for that song, for instance tonight he wanted me to sing a song about one of his green blankets, it went a little something like this:

I have a green blanket
It is nice and clean.
I wrap myself up in it
and pretend I am a bean...
Bean, bean
bean, bean
I am a green bean!
Bean, bean
bean, bean
I am a green bean!

It was a hit! He joined in on the bean, bean parts. Emery wanted me to sing it for him until I finally said it was time for him to go to bed.

Hot Chocolate! Good on cold days, even better when it's from scratch...mmmm

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Clancy is our puppy, the other baby in the family besides Addison, Justin, Emery, and Tristan. Clancy like to give kisses, snuggle and play. When Clancy is not doing those things he likes to bite holes in Emery's new shirts and socks, take Addison's toys, and get into the recycling. Don't let his cuteness fool you...it gets me every time.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween on Main Street, Park City

I had the chance to walk a yearly tradition on Main Street this year. Every Halloween Park City closes down Main Street to through traffic, clearing the road and opening retail shop doors to children trick-or-treating. Witches, princesses, cowboys all wide eyed at the king sized candy bars and other goodies being handed out by store associates, also dressed for the halloween occasion. My favorite stop was the cotton candy and carmel apples given out by the delicious, slightly over-priced Chamayo. I've been treated here a few times by my charming husband. The most recent dinner I had was their Salmon, oooooh my goodness! Just about every bite I had to stop to say "mmmmm" "ooh yumm" "mmm yumm" no joke! Would I recommend this place? Yes, if the budget fits but if your looking for a little more flexible menu then might I suggest MAXWELL'S, delicious pizza joint located at Kimball Junction, they also recently opened a location in Salt Lake, lucky you!

Oh and by the way, I had left candy outside the front door since I didn't know when I would be back for the trick-or-treaters in my own neighborhood, I will NOT do that again. When I pulled up to my driveway there were some junior high boys grabbing handfuls of the candy and what looked like another boy helping himself to a second fist full. Arg. How life's view changes once you have kids and seeing things from the "adult" side. I guess one good thing came from those kids, no left over candy for me to eat.